Shape of my heart

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Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 27/10/2009

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Finding Neverland

Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 27/10/2009

În DEX, copilăria e definită ca „perioadă a vieţii omeneşti de la naştere până la adolescenţă”. Pentru mine, copilăria începe cu gustul citronadei de la cofetăria de cartier şi se încheie elegant cu ultima coroniţă câştigată în şcoala generală. Restul e o listă lungă de amintiri disparate, legate de culorile bomboanelor Bonibon,de mirosul paginilor de oracol şi de sifonăria din cartier.
Privind înspre copilărie, realizez că tot ce constituia o dramă atunci, se conturează acum în cele mai preţioase amintiri.

Te întrebi, poate, ce regrete ar fi putut avea un copil. Perfect, atunci încep cu unul: m-am născut stângace şi am fost forţată de educatoare să învăţ a scrie cu dreapta . Am continuat cu dramele: un mare regret al copilăriei mele consta în neputinţa de a învăţa regulile şi paşii de la jocul de „elastic” ( o minune coregrafică, mind-challenging de-a dreptul). Regret, desigur, că prea târziu ai resursele necesare pentru a-ţi înţelege copilăria. Prea târziu înţelegi cât de puţin ai apreciat ceva ce valora imens.

Acum, când noţiunea de „micile bucurii ale vieţii” îşi găseşte locul doar în anii pierduţi ai copilăriei, m-am trezit că tresar ca o naivă la auzul unei astfel de veşti: guma Turbo se găseşte din nou! De aici s-a pornit a curge şuvoiul amintirilor mai ceva ca-n cazul madeleinei proustiene. Guma Minti, bomboanele Bonibon, napolitana Koukou Roukou, sucul Tec, toate au năpădit în filmul de amintiri. Din distribuţia finală n-au lipsit nici jucăriile-vedetă: arcul curcubeu, sfârleaza din plastic ieftin, preţioasele piese Lego sau păpuşile Sindy, adică Barbie wannabe.

M-am bucurat teribil la prima pereche de „blugi” adusă de la unguri, am plâns la filmul „Veronica”, am stricat trei jocuri Sega pentru televizor şi am jucat miuţa cu băieţii. Am crezut în Moş Crăciun până într-a doua. Am plâns în hohote crezând că n-o să învăţ niciodată să îl scriu pe G mare de mână. Am fost Scufita Rosie şi Primăvara din nu mai ştiu ce piesă obscură.

Aceasta este copilăria mea.

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Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 27/10/2009

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Protected: Killing your number

Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 27/10/2009

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Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 27/10/2009

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Russian Roulette – If you play, you play for keeps !

Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 20/10/2009

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I’m terrified but I’m not leaving
I know that I must pass this test
…So just pull the trigger ! 🙂

Cum poti calcula cat valoreaza un om, cat valoreaza viata sa?
Nu poti sa te iei dupa numarul de prieteni sau de cunoscuti. Astea sunt doar semne ale norocului sau ale naivitatii tale.
Nu poti sa te iei dupa cat de fericit e un om. E prea greu sa-ti dai seama cat de fericit e un om. Fericirea e cel mai usor lucru de simultat. “Zambeste cand iti vine sa plangi, si plangi cand iti vine sa razi.”
Nu poti sa te iei dupa cat de mult sufera un om. Fiecare sufera in modul sau.
Nu poti sa te iei dupa cate persoane a ajutat sau salvat un om. Nu-i poti salva pe toti, trebuie sa fi fericit daca salvezi pe cel/cea/cei care conteaza. Si de unde sti ca cei pe care i-a salvat conteaza?
Nu poti sa te iei dupa ce a ralizat un om. Poate in locul lui un alt om ar fi ajuns mai departe. Nu trebuie sa fi un invingator ca sa ajungi sus, si un ratat cu noroc poate ajunge sus. Nu poti nici sa te iei dupa ce ar fi realizat un om. Nu poti trai visand la cum ar fi fost, ci doar la ce va fi.
Nu poti sa te iei dupa cat s-a sacrificat pentru altii. Motive de sacrificiu gasesti la tot pasul, important e sa sti sa alegi locul, timpul si persoana potrivita.
Nu poti sa te iei dupa cat de iubita e o persoana. Cei mai iubiti oameni din lume nu stiu sa iubeasca, stiu doar cum sa manipuleze ca sa fie iubiti.
Si atunci cum poti calcula valoarea unui om?
Poti spune ca stii cat valoreaza un om daca te uiti ce lasa in urma. Un om care nu lasa nimic in urma sa e un om care a trait degeaba. Un om care lasa in urma copii e un om valoros. Pentru ca fiecare din acei copii reprezinta sute, poate mii de sanse de a schimba, influenta in bine, viata altora .
Si totusi nu poti calcula valoarea unui om pentru simplul fapt ca a crescut niste copii deosebiti sau nu, sau pentru ca a salvat un om – de unde stii ca omul acela nu va ajunge sa fie criminal?
Mai de graba as spune ca valoarea unui om este data de ceea ce trezeste in tine acel om cand te gandesti la el. Faptul ca simt admiratie pentru cineva sau respect sau ..sau pur si simplu faptul ca sunt fericita cand ma gandesc la cineva- acel cineva ma face sa ii atribui o anumita valoare.

Valoarea unui om poate fi calculata doar de insusi acel om. Sangele iti va curge toata viata, tu alegi pentru ce.

Sa nu pui pe nimeni , niciodata mai presus de tine… nici daca merita.
Pretuieste-te la adevarata valoare !
If you play, you play for keeps ! 😉


What is love?

Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 20/10/2009
Love is when one person knows all of your secrets… your deepest, darkest, most dreadful secrets of which no one else in the world knows… and yet in the end,
that one person does not think any less of you; 
even if the rest of the world does.

… is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image… 
otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.

Priceless Memories

Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 20/10/2009

I have spent the whole night looking in old photo albums,
I mean REALLY old! Talking about childhood, family, friends and memories.
While I was searching for the perfect photos of my childhood, it shocked me that I have this “wonder look” in my eyes in almost every photo, It was like I’m pretty occupied thinking about something!
It was kindda freaky… u know!
It may sound weird, but wandering around the realms of our childhood memories, we find events that have been printed deep in our childish soul and were guides and standards for our later progress; things that most of us experienced, forgotten and when we recollect them we miss them… We reminisce the romance of those days. But above all we reminisce the carelessness and the ‘magic’ of our school years. Things that each of us experienced in a different level and in a different way, but we all enjoyed. Things that none of us can forget…
How can i forget the primary school years were every break meant games…
How can i forget the children that we spent 4 whole years together? The memories may have faded but they were our first friends, with whom we spent 5 hours together everyday…
The teachers that cared for us more than they do now, because they were above all, humans…
Really, how many times have each of us been punished by having to write “I will not talk again…”, “I will not make noise again…”.?…
The lines that we formed during the break in order to buy lollipops
Our enjoy at the beginning of each school year, not for the school itself but for the school supplies that we had to buy…
How could we forget the black (usually) school boards full of chalk…
Even the “nerds” of the class had not the brassiness that modern children have…
How can i forget the hierarchy that was formed automatically according to age, which was respected and honored by all the classmates…
How can i forget the time spent preparing for the last day of school…
How teachers and professors skipped whole chapters in order to reach to the end of the same books that we used to prepare for fire-lighter
We still wear or keep safe rings and the necklaces that we had made specially for our class, in which we engraved the dates that we planned to meet again some years later…
How can i forget the water war that we used to play during the last days of school . Every student of the school, familiar or not, was a potential target…
How can i forget the first day in High School, when we had to grow up and mature…
Every wall of the school was full of love letters and x.+y.= love for ever…
I cannot believe that there is someone who could forget the last class of High School.
For our parents it meant the preparation for university. For us, it meant the preparation for another life full of freedom and fun.
Who can forget the books which were full of lyrics and love letters…?
Is there anyone who didn’t cheat in our time?
I remember a girl who used to write whole chapters of the book in numbers on the desk before the exams…
I remember the student with whom i shared the desk, who the day of the final exam came wrapped up in notes, from his sleeves until his pants! It took 3 persons to help him take them off later…
I cannot forget the support from our friends when we fell in love. They were the ones who carried the messages…
How can i forget our common dreams we had when we were at school. We could see our future together…
We shared everything. Many times we were drinking 7 people from one can of a soft drink. Just one

drop each, but it was enough because it was the drink of our childhood…

Childhood when we took it all for granted. We hadn’t a worry in the world and we played all day…
All of us so innocent and free…
Times may have changed but we are still here… genuine, honest and hopelessly romantic.
I still remember the way I used to behave sometimes like a grown up lady :)) wearing high heels, playing cool, never watch Tom &  Jerry in public, quit playing with barbies in a very early age .
Maybe because I was an only child ?
Could be !
But I really regret it now…
Wish I can push back button and relive it again 😦

The one who will always be there …

Posted in Uncategorized by danielanegu on 20/10/2009
A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.


-Thank you for being there when nobody was.
-Thank you for putting up with me all these years.
-Thank you for believing in me, when nobody did.
-Thank you for lifting me up, when life let me down.
-Thank you for picking up the pieces when my whole world fell apart in front of me.
-Thank you for forgiving AND forgetting my silly mistakes.
-Thank you for listening and understanding.
-Thank you for making my dreams came true.
-Thank you for making me believe in life, myself, and other people.
-Thank you for loving me with no conditions.
-Thank you for all the sacrifices you have offered with no regrets.
-Thank you for being my best friend.
-Thank you for being MY MOM.

Why do they say "Love is Blind" ?

Posted in Live.Love, Love by danielanegu on 20/10/2009

One day all human emotions and values gathered in one place on earth.
Madness, after introducing itself 3 times to Boredom, suggested they play hide and seek.
Interest, raised its eyebrow and listened, and Curiosity asked: “What is hide and seek?”
Excitement started dancing with Euphoria and Joy began jumping up and down in order to persuade Dilemma and Apathy -that were never concerned about anything-to play with them. But there were many who did not want to play: Truth did not want because it knew that anyway at some point it would be transpired. Arrogance thought the game was stupid and Cowardice did not want to risk… 1,2,3 …. Madness started counting. The first to hide was Laziness. Since she was bored, she hid behind the first rock she found.
Faith flew to the heavens and Jealousy hid in the shadow of Triumph, which managed to climb the highest tree with its power. Generosity could not hide anywhere, because each place she found seemed a wonderful place for her friends to hide so she left it free. And so Generosity hid behind a sunbeam. Selfishness, on the contrary, found immediately a hideout, a well hidden and comfortable place only for him.
Lie, hid at the bottom of the ocean.
Passion and Desire hid inside a volcano.
Love hadn’t found yet a place to hide. All the hideouts were taken, until she found a bush of roses and hid there. ….. 1000… Madness counted and began searching.
The first to find was Laziness since she wasn’t hidden far away.
Then she found Faith, that was chatting in heaven with God about theology. She felt the rhythm of Passion and Desire in the depths of the volcano and after finding Jealousy it was not difficult to find Triumph.
She found Dilemma pretty easily, since it had not yet decided where to hide. Gradually she found them all, but Love.Madness was looking everywhere, behind every tree, under every stone, on every mountain peak, but nothing. When she was almost ready to give up she found a bush of roses and started shaking it nervously until she heard a grunt of pain. It was Love…the thorns of the roses had hurt her eyes. Madness did not know how to make up, she was crying and apologizing and promised to be Love’s guide. And so, since then, Love is always blind and Madness always accompanies…